About melissa

Melissa Agnese is a retired lawyer turned mother of two. When she isn't busy raising her gifted & talented young tots, she enjoys prettifying her new Austin home and plotting ways to become Kate Middleton's BFF.

Shooting for Success: How to Dress for Holiday Card Photos, Equestrian Trend Edition

Holiday card photography here in Austin involves a certain suspension of disbelief. We bravely don our sweaters and heavy boots for eighty degree plus temperature photo shoots, as if the holiday garb itself will somehow push the thermostat down into holiday adjacent territory; “If we wear it, winter will come” seems to be our civic mantra.

On that festive if fictitious note, today our Austin photographer-in-chief Ziem interprets the trendy equestrian look for your holiday card consideration. After all, if we dress as if there might be a pony under our Christmas tree, perhaps winter and a horse will come:

holiday fashion austin family photographer

 holiday fashion austin family photographer

holiday fashion austin family photographer

As one prone to dressing as if I’ve wandered off a nearby polo field, I embrace this look, but what say you, Austin – are you ready to do your civic duty and saddle up to the horsey trend?

ziem photography | contributor

Shooting for Success: Five Tips for the Best Halloween Photos

Halloween is hands down one of Austin photographer-in-chief Ziem’s favorite holidays to celebrate (mine too)! It may or may not have to do with our respective sweet tooth (or teeth), but we love the fact that there’s usually little to no expectation to meet other than indulging in a little buffoonery and chocolate. We adore seeing all the creative costumes our friends and family come up with, the fabulous pumpkin carving, and of course perfectly styled pumpkin patch photos. So many reasons to celebrate and take photos this time of year!




To help ensure you all capture THE most spook-tacular photos this year, here are Ziem’s five top tips on how to catch your ghosts in goblins in their glory:

1. Dress up before the 31st for a special photo shoot. It would be a great opportunity to do a trial run and have some relaxed fun before the big night. Most kids are far too distracted and lack the patience required on Halloween!

2.  Create a relevant photo environment to provide context for costumes. For example, Frozen sisters, Anna and Elsa, would look especially at home in a wintery scene. If you have a little astronaut and live near a space center, make special trip! Let Little Red Riding Hood caper with nature – visit a park or wooded area with trees and trails. Don’t be afraid (ha!) to use the neighbor’s Halloween decor as your background.

3. Shoot as close to sunrise or sunset to capture the best natural light. The lighting is so much softer, and you’ll avoid hot spots and squinty eyes that way.

4.  Capture some candid expressions before trick or treating as they cling tight to their treat bags and anticipate the start. You can also take the opportunity while the little ones are waiting on a door stoop, running away from the houses with their treasures, or examining treats together. The joy and expectancy on the children’s faces are priceless!

5. Prop the camera or hand it over to someone else and hop in a photo or two with your children. They will cherish these with great joy some day!

See more tips and tricks from our Shooting for Success series!

ziem photography | contributor

Shooting For Success: How to Take Pumpkin Patch Photos

There are many reasons to have children, too numerous to list here, but surely the many occasions to enchant friends & family with  kid photo opportunities is amongst the best ones? Happily, the rise of social media and smart phones has given us even more opportunities to delight (derange) our loved ones with photo opportunities aplenty; once limited to the annual holiday card snap, we now have a host of fall events to (over)share.

Speaking of opportunities to (over)share photos of your kids, please feel free to effusively praise the models here, Ziem’s youngest Zara & my pumpkin Paige:

austin photographers | austin newborn photographer | family children | pumpkin patch photo tips

austin photographers | austin newborn photographer | family children | pumpkin patch photo tips

If, however, we’re going to treat (terrorize) one & all with photos of our progeny, all the better if those photos are top quality. After all, if we don’t get the right lighting or framing for our shots, how will our Facebook friends know that our wee geniuses are destined for greatness? To that end, photographer-in-chief Ziem is teaching us today how to take the best fall photos on our own, since we don’t always have our favorite photographer on hand. These tips are really applicable to all outdoor shoots but are tailored in timely fashion for  pumpkin patch season.

First, dress your little “pumpkin” appropriately. Whether it be a Halloween costume, traditional frock, or fall chic, comfort is also key. Don’t overdress them in anything scratchy, and be prepared to deal with mosquitoes, ants, mud and in our situation a PIG (yes, really). In Austin, mosquito repellent and comfortable shoes are requisite. When your child feels comfortable it will show in photos.

Also, try to bring another adult to help keep the kids engaged & safe, as well to allow you to hop in a few photos. Just check out that unusually good looking mom in the following photo *coughs* #mememememe:

austin photographers | austin newborn photographer | family children | pumpkin patch photo tips

The best times to shoot at an outdoor locale like a pumpkin patch are at one hour before sunset or at sunrise. Given that this doesn’t align well with sleep and dinner time, a cloudy day would be the perfect time to run out to visit your local pumpkin patch. Pumpkins look particularly great when shot in well-shaded area without distracting hot spots.

austin photographers | austin newborn photographer | family children | pumpkin patch photo tips

As far as staging your shots, stack pumpkins to create dimension and height, but try to put them either below or above your toddler’s height to avoid pulling focus.

austin photographers | austin newborn photographer | family children | pumpkin patch photo tips austin photographers | austin newborn photographer | family children | pumpkin patch photo tips

Bring a wagon if you have a newly walking toddler (talking about you, Paige!) as that will keep the little one off his or her feet (and running away from your camera) for a few frames. It doubles as your second set of hands when paying for and transporting the pumpkins to your car:

austin photographers | austin newborn photographer | family children | pumpkin patch photo tips

Though it’s clear these photos are staged, that doesn’t mean you can’t snap some candid shots of your kids picking out a pumpkin, sitting on a pumpkin, or walking around patch:

austin photographers | austin newborn photographer | family children | pumpkin patch photo tips

If you’re not able to visit a pumpkin patch, you can also purchase a handful locally and stage an at-home patch. Shoot wide and fill the frame with pumpkins to make them appear more plentiful. Don’t be afraid to try different angles – for example, shooting from above or profile shots.

austin photographers | austin newborn photographer | family children | pumpkin patch photo tips

With these seven pro tips, your above average children will be the cream of the pumpkin patch Instagram crop – which is, of course, the point of the whole exercise. We kid, of course – clearly it’s only some of the point. Either way, happy shooting!

ziem photography | contributor

Austin Maternity Photographer – Pregnancy Announcement Shoot

Who knew that a chance 2012 meeting between then-pregnant Ziem & client Lauren in an obstetrician’s waiting room would lead to both a longstanding client relationship & a great friendship? It only seems fitting, then, that Ziem recently documented an important announcement of Lauren’s & husband Adam’s along the bun-in-the-oven lines . . .

pregnancy announcement gender reveal austin family photographer

One of Z’s favorite job perks is getting to know a family over the years as she shoots their life events. She’s been honored to participate in a number of Lauren + Adam’s family milestones, including their adorable Stella’s first birthday party.  So when Z got the top-secret news about the Baby #3, she was thrilled to be a part of the pregnancy announcement. Ziem let the ever-stylish Lauren organize the shoot, because from Stella’s glam-chic celebration to Super Man birthday parties for son, Doc, this trendy mom leaves no detail behind.

pregnancy announcement gender reveal austin family photographer

pregnancy announcement gender reveal austin family photographer

Bonus – by “stylish” and “trendy” we do mean ” little boy bow ties OMG“:

pregnancy announcement gender reveal austin family photographer
pregnancy announcement gender reveal austin family photographer
pregnancy announcement gender reveal austin family photographer
pregnancy announcement gender reveal austin family photographer
pregnancy announcement gender reveal austin family photographer
pregnancy announcement gender reveal austin family photographer

As if that bow tie weren’t enough, the rustic elegance of the Stems Design Studios setting perfectly framed this photogenic family of soon-to-be-five:

pregnancy announcement gender reveal austin family photographer
pregnancy announcement gender reveal austin family photographer
pregnancy announcement gender reveal austin family photographer

Although the game plan Ziem & Lauren had devised didn’t work out – as plans with young children tend to (always) do – it’s challenging not to get a good shot of this stunning family. Ziem is so thrilled to be a part of this big news & hopefully more celebrations to come – too soon to plan for baby #4? I mean, with a family this wonderful, they may owe the world more offspring, right? Right??? #joking #mostly

ziem photography | contributor

Austin Children’s Photographer – Foodie Kids

What do you get when you have a city full of foodies and their Whole Foods born & bred progeny? If you’re lucky enough to be an Austin resident, you get Foodie Kids, a haute cooking school & party pad for your wee chef in training. How charming is this place?

austin photographers | family, children, newborn foodie kids

Before you fill your head with visions of children being force fed organic free range fun free alfalfa sprouts or similar, here’s the thing about Foodie Kids – it’s not only a pretty place for kids to learn about cooking,  it’s also *fun*. A lot of fun, in fact:

Not only is the food preparation fun for the Foodie Kids chefs, Owners Barbara and Kaley know the secret to keeping your young foodies engaged for the hour of class – constant motion. The owners and instructors manage to be both creative & entertaining as they expertly guide the kids through each dish:

We parents of tots know this universal truth, but it was poetry in motion watching these ladies lead the kids (including my own personal wild child) through the preparation of three different meals:

Can you think of a more fun, more Austin-y place for your little gourmet to celebrate a birthday or take cooking classes? Speaking of birthdays, little Miss J sure enjoyed her mock birthday celebration for this commercial photo shoot. {She turned five today!}.

austin cake smash portraits birthday photography

austin cake smash portraits birthday photography

In fact, our photographer-in-chief Ziem loves Foodie Kids so much, her adorable baby girl Zara is celebrating her 2nd (2nd! How?!) birthday there soon.

Think of a Foodie Kids class as an investment in your future that your kid will actually enjoy – after all, if you’ve birthed the next Franklin’s BBQ founder, maybe you can skip those pesky three-hour lines . . . ah, Austin #firstworldfoodieproblems

See more austin children photography on the blog.

ziem photography | contributor